Oral Turinabol is somewhat of a unique anabolic steroid. Specifically, Oral Turinabol is a cross between Methandrostenolone and Clostebol. This provides a steroid with powerful anabolic action while at the same time minimizing androgenic characteristics. Oral Turinabol also carries somewhat of an interesting history behind it.
D-Anabol 25 Oral Turinabol was first released by Jenapharm out of East Germany in 1962. The steroid would enjoy a very high safety rating for decades not only among men but in women and even children in a therapeutic setting. This steroid was proven to be very effective in the effort to build or protect lean mass and bone mass without severe complications. However, Oral Turinabol would gain worldwide attention in the 1990�s when the East German steroid scandal became public knowledge.
From 1974 to 1989 what would be known as the East German Doping Machine had been successful in administering anabolic steroids to its Olympic athletes. Not only were they cheating but they were getting away with it as steroids like Oral Turinabol were, at the time, undetectable. State Plan Research Theme 14.25 as it was officially known would also make use of epitestosterone during this period in order to skew testosterone readings in drug testing.
When Oral Turinabol was discovered as being an integral part of the East German scandal Jenapharm would discontinue the product in 1994. Two years later the pharmaceutical powerhouse out of Germany Schering, makers of such steroids as Primobolan, Testoviron and Proviron would acquire Jenapharm but chose not to bring Oral Turinabol back to the market. Since that time this anabolic steroid has never been manufactured by a true pharmaceutical compounding entity and has become a strictly black market underground anabolic steroid.
Standard male Oral Turinabol doses will normally be in the 15-40mg per day range. This is obviously a wide gap in total dosing, but a mere 15-20mg per day can provide some nice effects. This can provide significant synergy between the other anabolic steroids being used as well as promote recovery and endurance. For a true anabolic benefit, most men will find Oral Turinabol doses in the 40mg per day range to be far more beneficial. Total use will normally fall in the 6-8 week range and should not surpass 8 weeks for any reason in order to minimize the hepatic strain. It is also advised that no other C17-aa steroid be used for at least 6-8 weeks after discontinuing Oral Turinabol. Men will also find Oral Turinabol stacks well with any and all anabolic steroids but should not be used in conjunction with another C17-aa steroid.
Standard female Oral Turinabol doses will normally fall in the 2.5-5mg per day range. Virilization is highly unlikely with such doses but is almost assured with doses that surpass 5mg per day. Keep in mind due to individual sensitivity some women may experience virilization symptoms even in the 2.5-5mg range. If this is the case use should be discontinued immediately. Total use should be kept in the 4-6 week range. This should be a safe dose that presents minimal virilization probability. Other steroids that can be included in female plans could include Anavar or Primobolan Depot but Anavar should not be used at the same time as Oral Turinabol due to its similar C17-aa nature.
Without question the effects of Oral Turinabol will be most valuable to the athlete and by athlete we actually mean athlete. We�re not talking about the bodybuilder or gym rat that lives like one but rather someone who competes in a competitive sport of physical skill. The use of Oral Turinabol will significantly promote muscular endurance, they won�t tire out as fast and their overall rate of recovery should be greatly improved. As the season wanes on, they should also find they have taken less of a beating and are closer to the physical peak they enjoyed at the beginning of the season. This would not occur without the anabolic protectant nature. The athlete should also find his strength is noticeably improved upon. Yes, he should be stronger, which can directly translate into physical power and speed. No, it will not create the athlete, it will not create athletic ability, affect coordination or turn a sloth into a star, but it will enhance the existing athlete within. If it wasn�t phenomenal for this purpose you can bet the East Germans wouldn�t have been using it and successfully so for nearly two decades.
In a direct physical sense, as an off-season bulking steroid Oral Turinabol is not what we�d label phenomenal. It�s not going to pack a ton of mass on anyone�s frame but it can provide some decent growth. You will definitely grow more when using Dianabol or Anadrol, and it�s not going to build mass like Deca Durabolin, but it should still be notable and clean. Remember, as it doesn�t aromatize all weight gained due to use will be lean mass. Due to its ability to reduce SHBG, this could also make the other steroids you�re taking, such as Deca Durabolin far more valuable during your off-season use.
As a cutting agent, Oral Turinabol can be a decent steroid. It�s probably a little more valuable in the cutting phase than in a true off-season cycle. The steroid will provide solid protection against lean tissue loss and a lot of users often report an increase in hardness. How much har
Side Effects
We can say with confidence that the side effects of Oral Turinabol are some of the mildest of any anabolic steroid on earth. However, we will also find that it can have a strong, negative impact on cardiovascular health. This should be controllable for the healthy adult but it will be something you need to keep an eye on. Both men and women will be able to use this steroid. This is not our first choice in female use, but it is a viable option. In order to help you understand the possible side ef
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