CJC-1295 with DAC 2.0mg
CJC-1295 is an injectable peptide used to increase GH production. This peptide is a growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) mimetic, or analog. That is to say, it works in the same way as GHRH, and may be referred to as being a GHRH.
The principal use of CJC-1295 is to provide increased GH levels, which also results in increased IGF-1 levels. An increase in these levels can aid fat loss and in some instances can aid muscle gain as well. Generally, a product in the GHRH category, including CJC-1295, is chosen as an alternate to using GH, and only rarely is combined with GH.
The other principal GHRH product is Mod GRF 1-29, which in most instances I recommend over CJC-1295. The products differ in their duration of action. Mod GRF has an approximately-ideal short duration of action allowing pulsatile dosing, whereas CJC-1295 has an extended duration of action which prevents such dosing.
It�s important to avoid confusing CJC-1295 with �CJC-1295 w/o DAC.� The latter is not CJC-1295, but rather is misnamed Mod GRF. When a peptide doesn�t have DAC, it�s not CJC-1295.
CJC 1295 is sometimes marketed as �CJC-1295 with DAC.� This simply is CJC-1295.
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