Suspolic 100
Testosterone Suspension is an injectable testosterone hormone in a water base that was developed and used for decades, and is actually the first anabolic androgenic steroid made. For the purpose of building mass, Testosterone Suspension has never been surpassed since it was first developed in the 1930s. Many underground labs also suspend this product in propylene glycol or oil as well (which makes for a very painful injection). It has no ester attached; therefore no ester is calculated into the weight. This is extremely beneficial to the user since 100mg of Testosterone Suspension will yield 100mg of testosterone unlike the other esterfied testosterones such as (for example) Testosterone Enanthate, which only yields 72mg of actual testosterone per 100mg of total weight. Testosterone Suspension considerably raises the storing of glycogen in the muscle cells and because it is dissolved in water it becomes effective immediately. Also making it different from other esterfied hormones is that it only keeps sustained and elevated testosterone levels for 2-3 days due to its micro-crystal design. This forces the user to inject Testosterone Suspension on a daily basis, with better results coming from twice to even three times a day use due to its short active-life with the effective dose ranging from 350-1000mg per week (50-140mg/day). One should practice site rotation and should practice injecting in the same spot only once per week at most. It should be noted; Testosterone Suspension is usually a very painful shot, so it is often cut with something else, such as B-12, or other steroids, and yes, you can mix a water based steroid with an oil based steroid in the same syringe. It looks like a lava lamp, and you can use it as a level if you are building something, but no, theres no problems with injecting a mixture like this.
Note: That due to the water base (though, not an issue if using a product suspending in propylene glycol or oil) the testosterone will most likely settle to the bottom of the vial and that shaking the vial is needed in order to insure even dosing. This is true for all water based steroid suspensions.
Testosterone Treatment only $199/month All-Included As was noted before, testosterone can be considered one of the most powerful mass builders and Testosterone Suspension can be considered one of the most powerful of the testosterones simply due to the fact that it has no attached ester. This means that you are getting 100mgs of testosterone per 100mgs you inject; Testosterone Suspension is the only version of testosterone that can boast that claim. A growing reason why many athletes are choosing to use Testosterone Suspension instead of Testosterone Enanthate or other forms (besides the fact that it has a higher amount of pure testosterone resulting in greater results) is that it may be responsible for localized growth at the site inject like Winstrol. Most athletes will also only use this form of testosterone in a bulking cycle as it is usually accompanied by high water retention, severe bloat, adipose storage, and gynecomastia. Testosterone Suspension also has a high level of aromatization into estrogen and coverts to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) as well. Of course, adding endogenous testosterone to your body will result in the shutting down of your own exogenous testosterone levels, as well as the hormones secreted which cause testosterone to be secreted by your testes.
Testosterone Suspension is normally not used by women because male secondary sex characteristics may start to appear in female users; however, Testosterone Suspension can allow women to site-inject and help problem areas common in women such as calves and inner thighs, and can be used in small enough doses, clearing the system quickly if sides develop; some women use choose to use it, but there are better options. This fast acting advantage also means that one can pass a drug test a couple of days after the last injection. This is a great advantage to athletes who will be tested and still want the benefits of a mass drug which can not be tested for easily; many other forms of testosterone such as Testosterone Cypionate or Testosterone Enanthate can take 3 months to become undetectable.
Each 1ml per 10ml Vial contains
100mg/ml Testosterone Suspension
As far as results of the cycle, one should be very happy with the results as long as the diet and training regimen are good. As previously stated, testosterone is a highly anabolic and androgenic hormone, it has an anabolic (muscle building) rating of 100, making it a good steroid to use if one is in pursuit of more size and strength. Well, lets get on with it and look at exactly what makes Testosterone Suspension a good mass builder. Firstly, testosterone promotes nitrogen retention in the muscle(2) the more nitrogen the muscles holds the more protein the muscle stores. Testosterone can also increase the levels of another anabolic hormone, IGF-1, in muscle tissue(3). Testosterone Suspension also has the amazing ability to increase the activity of satellite cells(4). These cells play a very active role in repairing damaged muscle. Testosterone also binds to the androgen receptor to promote A.R dependent mechanisms for both muscle gain as well as fat loss.(5) Testosterone significantly increases the concentrations of the A. R in cells which are critical for muscle repair and growth.(4, 6 ). Testosterone Suspension induces changes in shape and size of your muscle fibers, and also can change the actual appearance and the number of muscle fibers(7). Also of note to both bodybuilders and athletes is that many anabolic androgenic steroids (like Testosterone Suspension) can also protect your hard earned muscle from the catabolic (muscle wasting) glucocorticoid hormones(8) that your body employs to maintain homeostasis. In addition, Testosterone has the added ability to increase red blood cell production(9), and a higher RBC count may improve endurance via better oxygenated blood. More RBCs can also improve recovery from strenuous physical activity, and this has obvious benefits for the hard training bodybuilder or athlete. As with 99% of other steroids, Testosterones anabolic/androgenic effects are dose dependent, the higher the dose of Testosterone Suspension, the higher the muscle building effect(10).
Side Effects
As by its nature Testosterone-Suspension functions by the same mode of action as all testosterone compounds. As Suspension, as it is commonly referred has no ester attached the entire mass of the compound is pure testosterone. For example, Testosterone-Propionate, because part of the compounds mass is the Propionate ester, 100mg will yield approximately 83mg of testosterone; conversely, because there is no ester in the Suspension form 100mg of Testosterone-Suspension will yield exactly 100mg of
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